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Communiqués de presse pour "le jour"

31. janvier 2022

China’s biggest aerial tramway wows its guests

Garaventa and the tourist destination Henan Baoquan Tourism Co., Ltd. have jointly opened up access to Baoquan’s striking hillside for tourists.

11. octobre 2021

By Garaventa tramway to the highest peak of the "7 mountains"

Following a complete overhaul that took just over a year, the popular Ulriksbanen aerial tramway in Bergen now shines in a new splendor.

11. octobre 2021

By Garaventa tramway to the highest peak of the "7 mountains"

Following a complete overhaul that took just over a year, the popular Ulriksbanen aerial tramway in Bergen now shines in a new splendor.

28. septembre 2021

Doppelmayr Holding SE confiante malgré la baisse du chiffre d’affaires

Doppelmayr Holding SE a enregistré un chiffre d’affaires de 763 millions d’euros au cours de l’exercice 2020/21, ce qui correspond à une baisse de 12,5 % par rapport à l’année précédente.

28. septembre 2021

Doppelmayr Holding SE remains confident despite drop in sales

Doppelmayr Holding SE posted sales revenues of 763 million euros in the 2020/21 fiscal year, which represents a fall of 12.5% over the previous year.

Contact de presse

Mag. Julia Schwärzler
Marketing and Public Relations
Konrad-Doppelmayr-Str. 1
6922 Wolfurt
T +43 5574 604 227


Contact de presse Suisse

Andreas Bonifazi
T +41 79 476 51 15

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