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Comunicados à imprensa por "Worldwide"

25. junho 2014

A Doppelmayr vence o Prêmio Exportação 2014

No dia 24 de junho foi conferido em Viena o Prêmio Exportação 2014. A Doppelmayr pôde convencer o jurado de experts de altíssima qualidade na categoria Indústria.

11. junho 2014

Inauguration of the „Linea Roja“ at La Paz

On Friday, 30 May 2014, the Bolivian President Evo Morales opened the first cable car "Linea Roja" in La Paz.

27. novembro 2013

Doppelmayr posts record sales revenues

Doppelmayr, the leader of the global market for ropeway engineering, has yet again increased sales revenues.

25. novembro 2013

Austria's biggest ropeway construction site in Ischgl

Just in time for the start of the season 2013/14 a reversible aerial ropeway for 150 passengers will be opened. Only one year later Ischgl will add a 3S installation that sets a world record.

10. abril 2013

Doppelmayr cooperation with the ÖOC

Official top partner of the Olympic Team Austria and joint appearance in the Austria House in Sochi.

Contato para imprensa

Mag. Julia Schwärzler
Marketing and Public Relations
Konrad-Doppelmayr-Str. 1
6922 Wolfurt
T +43 5574 604 227


Contato para a imprensa Suíça

Andreas Bonifazi
T +41 79 476 51 15

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