Sunday, January 28, 2018 marked the next milestone in the history of the world’s biggest ropeway network. Bolivian President Evo Morales completed the maiden journey on two new ropeway lines – the Línea Blanca (white) and the first section of the Línea Celeste (sky blue). These two lines form the connection between the lines Azul, Roja and Naranja in the north and Amarilla and Verde in the south. The President began his maiden trip at the Estación Libertador, the station shared by the yellow, green and sky-blue lines. This acts as an important hub for passengers as it allows them to change lines quickly and conveniently.


President Evo Morales showed visible pride during the trip: “We have a world-record ropeway network – a construction project that not only impresses Bolivians but the entire world!”


The Línea Celeste Section 1 and the Línea Blanca are scheduled to go into public service in March 2018.




Doppelmayr Seilbahnen GmbH

Mag. Ekkehard Assmann

Head of Marketing and Public Relations
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6922 Wolfurt / Austria
T +43 5574 604 223
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