Position as world leader in the ropeway sector asserted again

The worldwide operating Doppelmayr Holding AG and its 2,608 employees produced and installed approximately 120 ropeway installations in the business year 2009/2010 (April 1, 2009 until March 31, 2010), thus obtaining an annual turnover of EUR 603 million.


The business performance varied strongly in the different regions. In the European Alps, the order situation developed satisfying overall; on the other hand the industry activity on other markets regressed as a consequence of the global economic crisis. However, it was possible to adapt the capacities, costs and the range of products to this market development. Thus, both the turnover as well as the operating result could be maintained stable to a great extent.


High product quality, quick responses and efficiency and not least the big innovative potential of the Doppelmayr team are some of the most important factors of success and unique characteristics on the market.


High innovative potential: Examples of the newest innovations are a new chair generation and the newly developed foot rests, as well as the trend-setting ropeway concepts for the public local passenger traffic in bigger cities in South America and North Africa.


Environment protection as an important concern: Ropeway systems are by themselves environment-sparing transport systems (CO2, fine particles, etc.). However, Doppelmayr still strives from further improvements in this area. Modern materials, innovative components and improved technologies and process shall serve to further optimize the energy consumption, the noise emissions and the material wear.


Preferred employer: The professed goal of Doppelmayr is to be one of the preferential employers in each region in which the Group is active with a branch office. For this purpose, numerous measures are taken to win the best employees, to keep those and further develop. The internal formation and training is adapted to the situations and peculiarities of the Group. The formation models are uniform and the practical part is large.


Doppelmayr is bound and determined to continue its strategy of customer-oriented quality, technology and innovation leadership that has been pursued for years and to stabilize and extend the Group's position as number 1 on the world market for ropeway systems.


The number of incoming orders increased towards the end of the business year, but it is still too early to derive a lasting recovery from those first signs of relaxation on the market. At any rate, Doppelmayr will be able to make the results for 2010/2011 positive to a satisfying extent tanks to the measures introduced.


Fact box:
  2009/2010 (1.4. - 31.3.) 2008/2009 (1.4. - 31.3.)
Turnover EUR 603 m. EUR 616 m.
Employees worldwide,
of those in Austria
Doppelmayr Holding AG
Ing. Michael Doppelmayr
Hanno Ulmer


Queries to:

Mag. Ekkehard Assmann
Head of Marketing and Public Relations
Rickenbacherstrasse 8-10, Postfach 20
A-6961 Wolfurt, Austria
Tel. (+43) 05574/604-223
Fax (+43) 05574/75590
email: ekkehard.assmann@doppelmayr.com
Internet: doppelmayr.com