Turnover Increased to EUR 417,9 Mio. • Income/Profit Situation Satisfactory

The Doppelmayr Group, world market leader in ropeway engineering and construction, achieved to increase its turnover in the financial year 2002/03 by 2,6 % to EUR 417,9 Mio. compared to the previous year. Profit and loss on ordinary activities was with EUR 17,9 Mio. below the prior-year level (EUR 25,4 Mio.) due to rather unfavourable influences on the market, like strong pricing pressure which is still ongoing in the ropeway market. Investment expenditure of the financial year amounted to EUR 16,7 Mio. (compared with EUR 34,4 Mio. in the previous year). The most important markets are Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, USA, and Canada. The merger of Doppelmayr and Garaventa was received positively in all markets and the primary aim of strengthening the mutual market position could be achieved.