Sales increased by nine per cent to EUR 464 million

The Doppelmayr Group, world leader in the ropeway construction market, again posted very positive results in the financial year 2003/04 and increased sales by nine per cent to EUR 464m. With 2,102 employees worldwide, the Group achieved income before tax of EUR 38.3m and raised investments in fixed assets to EUR 18.7m (previous year EUR 14.2m). This excellent operating result was attained in spite of the continuing tough price competition. The Doppelmayr Group's core markets are the European alpine countries plus North America.

Successful worldwide
With over 160 installations realized around the globe, the Doppelmayr Group impressively asserted its market leadership during the past financial year and proved its capabilities in Europe, Asia, America und Australia.

Technology leadership
A major reason for the Group's stable position as world market leader is technical competence: it is the only group of companies which not only possesses the technologies for all well-known ropeway systems but has actually manufactured and installed them. Products are subjected to constant reviews of key functions and optimised in respect of customer benefits, design and quality. The goal of all developments is to meet the current needs of passengers and ropeway operators as well as offering market-oriented solutions geared to the future.

High investment volume
In the last financial year, expenditure on plant, machinery and structural measures at the Group's production plants in Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Canada, the USA, China and Russia totalled EUR 18.7m. This represents an increase of over 30% in comparison with the previous financial year.

Confidence in the current financial year
Despite weak economies in major markets and unfavourable underlying conditions such as very high energy and steel prices, the Doppelmayr Group is well-equipped for this scenario. It has a comprehensive product portfolio and maintains a strong position in its core markets. The extensive investments of the past in product and process innovation are gradually paying off. It can therefore be assumed that Doppelmayr will certainly achieve a positive, if slightly reduced business result in the financial year 2004/2005.

Factbox 2003/2004

Sales EUR 464.0m
Employees worldwide 2,102
Doppelmayr Holding AG Management Board Ing. Michael Doppelmayr
Hanno Ulmer



Mag. Ekkehard Assmann
Rickenbacherstrasse 8-10, Postfach 20
A-6961 Wolfurt, Österreich
Tel. (+43) 05574/604-223, Fax (+43) 05574/75590