Doppelmayr implements an innovative recovery concept for Silvretta Montafon

In the construction of the new 8-seater gondola "Grasjoch" for the Silvretta Montafon Bergbahnen AG, the Doppelmayr Group has set another milestone of modern ropeway engineering: The Grasjoch lift is the world's first detachable gondola on which an innovative recovery concept guarantees that the cabins can be returned to the stations in the event of rescue. A conventional rescue process with abseiling the passengers, etc. is no longer required. This combines highest riding comfort with maximum safety and guarantees stress-free rides.


The Grasjoch lift marks the first time that the recovery concept is used on a detachable gondola (continuous monocable gondola). The concept has already been implemented in the last years on the tricable installations in Sölden and Koblenz.


With this new type of recovery the Doppelmayr engineers were able to fulfil a long-felt customer wish. The aim of the development works was to provide technical and organisational means to ensure that the cabins can be safely brought to the nearest station at all times and the passengers no longer have to leave the carrier in the event of rescue.


In all cases that before required an evacuation the recovery concept is now applied. This is especially achieved by means of "redundancy". All function-related installation components are executed in double and independent of each other. This for example applies for the bullwheels, the drive or the emergency drive.


This new world novelty by Doppelmayr could only be realized thanks to the close and outstanding co-operation with the in charge at the Silvretta Montafon Bergbahnen AG.


Today, Doppelmayr is the only ropeway manufacturer in the world to offer this concept and to have realized it for gondolas and tricable installations.

Factbox 8-seater gondola "Grasjoch":
Contractor Doppelmayr Seilbahnen GmbH
Customer Silvretta Montafon Bergbahnen AG
Ropeway system 8-MGD, 8-seater gondola
Inclined Length 3,855 m
Capacity 1,900 passengers/hour and direction
Speed 6.0 m/s
Trip time 11.92 min
Number of cabins 95, each for 8 passengers


Queries to:

Mag. Ekkehard Assmann
Head of Marketing and Public Relations
Rickenbacherstrasse 8-10, Postfach 20
A-6961 Wolfurt, Austria
Tel. (+43) 05574/604-223
Fax (+43) 05574/75590