7. March 2003

CABLE Liner Shuttle „SkyRail" Opening in Birmingham International Airport

On Friday March 7 2003, Birmingham International Airport opened the CABLE Liner Shuttle ...

18. December 2002

CABLE Liner Shuttle for busiest airport in Canada

DCC (Doppelmayr Cable Car), a company of the Doppelmayr-Group, has been awarded the contract to build the Automated People Mover (APM) system at Toronto...

30. October 2002

Doppelmayr Holding AG with strong increase in turnover

In the financial year 2001/2002, the Doppelmayr-Holding AG achieved a corporate turnover of EUR 407 million, a considerably higher figure than in the past ...

6. June 2002

Doppelmayr to supply ropeway for the IGA 2003 in Rostock, Germany

Doppelmayr will supply the internal means of transport for the International Horticultural Exhibition (IGA) to be held in Rostock in 2003. Doppelmayr will...