Gondola Constantine (JPG)
7. August 2012

12 million passengers in Constantine

In the Algerian city of Constantine, a gondola with cabins for 15 passengers was put into operation in 2008 taking the inhabitants from the outlying district to the city centre ...

London put into action (JPG)
29. June 2012

London put into action

In London, the new 10-passenger gondola Emirates Air-Line is put into operation on June 28, 2012.

29. June 2012

Doppelmayr/Garaventa realizes a unique installation

Up to the Stanserhorn with the CabriO

Inauguration ceremony of the Floriade in Venlo (JPG)
4. April 2012

Official inauguration ceremony of the Floriade in Venlo

On April 4, 2012 the Floriade, the World Horticultural Expo in Venlo, was inaugurated officially.