Tisková zpráva pro
Doppelmayr links city centres – from heart to heart
28 September 2018 marks the next milestone in the development of the world's biggest urban ropeway network in Bolivia.
35 new apprentices - induction day and new apprentice workshop
For 35 youngsters, September 3, 2018 saw the action-packed launch of their apprenticeships at Doppelmayr.
Cable Liner na moskevském letišti slouží během Mistrovství světa
V ruském hlavním městě Moskvě na mezinárodním letišti Šeremetěvo byl nedávno uveden do provozu plně automatický lanový systém dodávaný společností Doppelmayr, aby spojil severní a jižní terminály.
Doppelmayr Cable Liner at Moscow airport serves the World Cup
At Sheremetyevo International Airport in the Russian capital, Moscow, a fully automated, rope-propelled transport system supplied by Doppelmayr recently went into service as a link between the northern and southern terminals.
Doppelmayr supports tourism development in Russia
In Vienna, Doppelmayr and the corporation Kurorty Severnogo Kavkasa have entered into a cooperation agreement aimed at developing tourism in Russia.